
A beautiful image of the power of surrender, by Ron Hamad

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Yes!! 2009!!

A friend of mine pointed out last week that 2008 must have been particularly unkind to many because never had they heard so many comments regarding excessive thankfulness that the calendar was turning to a new year.

While I am curious if Facebook, Twitter and other social media (I include "real" media in this category now) haven't made us all privy to collective consciousness in ways we weren't before, I do suspect 2008 kicked a few butts more than usual.

For me, 2008 was a training year for my 2009 Olympian effort to MAKE IT ALL PAY OFF. What that meant was I needed to trim the fat and go on a diet. My diet wasn't food related. I am luckily okay in that camp. But I had to learn to cut way back and work harder financially unless I was prepared to sink like the Titanic in 2009. Which would have made it hard to make 2009 the year I MAKE IT ALL PAY OFF.

I also had to get my head and my energy re-organized. I worked with fantastic Jeanne Kabenji and my other wonderful energy healers in massage, dance and all good things. I was blessed to re-acquaint myself with the fundamentals of 12-Step work thanks to Kristine and Kay and all the brave ladies at the Brighton Center. I went on the best sanity diet ever and have nearly completely cut out all the extraneous and unhelpful chatter in my busy-body brain. One of my Brighton Center friends said it best: "I know I shouldn't spend so much time in my head but I am so popular there!"

So I stand ready to bring my whole energy and hopefulness to each and every experience this year. I stand ready to see how my voice floats in the bigger world. And I stand ready to see what the universe has in store for me.

Are you ready too? Let's go.