Think of the times in your life when you were the most exhilarated. What were you doing? You probably weren't sitting around thinking about doing something. You were probably out moving. Moving your body, moving your spirit and taking some sort of risk. I'll bet you were trying something new. I'll bet you were expressing your true self.
That's how it is for me. I know that freedom comes in movement. That's where happiness, truth and beauty live too.
Why is it so hard then, day after day, to keep moving? Why is it so hard to be still in a way that is enlightening? That's what I hope to explore here: the (e)MOTION of motion.
I am a writer.
I am author of the novel SWIMMING NAKED ("A brutally moving first novel" Chicago Tribune) and the playwright of AS WHITE AS O ("Compelling, humorous, often fluidly poetic." Variety). I have recently finished another novel, NEBRASKA and THE VIVIAN GIRLS: A MUSICAL.
I am also the founder and director of True Body Project. We promote classes, workshops and community engagement projects designed to help participants connect to their bodies, their artistic voices, and to each other. We have produced 8 theatrical works, a documentary film, a literary journal and an earth work in Cincinnati, NY, and Los Angeles. Our curriculum is used across the country and will be piloted in schools in 2011. We have also worked with survivors of sex trafficking in New York and Cambodia.
Finally, I am a movement educator and the founder of True Movement. I have a Pilates, yoga and dance practice and am happiest on a day when I get to write, move my body, and connect with others.