
A beautiful image of the power of surrender, by Ron Hamad

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Do You Want to Make Real Change? True Body Private Sessions Available

Here is what I know:

In order to make a change, you have to bring your body along for the ride.

Have you ever tried to make a change in your life and gotten completely frustrated because as much as you wanted to stick to a diet, or quit feeling that way about a certain person, or gotten confident enough to get a new job, or wanted to find your passion, you just couldn't do it? That no matter how much your brain wanted to change, your body just kept reverting the same old patterns and habits?

Here is why. Our thought and movement patterns are deeply held in the body. Our body has memorized them for us, neuro-muscularly. So if your body has a history of depression, your body had memorized these feelings and patterns in your posture and movements. Conversely, if your body had a history of wellness and joy, those are the patterns that will be recalled, day after day.

Join me for a private session to explore your goals, see where you might be stuck and then look at some of your postural and movement patterns for clues to how your body's patterns might be keeping you in the past. Whether you come for one, two or three sessions and you will take home easy movement homework (things you can do at home), as well as other exercises for you to explore a new freedom in mind and body.

Single Session - $100 per hour
Two Sessions - $85 per hour
Three Sessions - $75 per hour

Contact me at for more information.

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