
A beautiful image of the power of surrender, by Ron Hamad

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Just say YES.

Oh come on. Just do it.

It is easy. You go to and you go to Schedule Online part and go to workshops and click on the Mat Class with Lolita San Miguel and you say yes. You give us $30 and then you come on this Saturday, Sept. 13th, from 9-10 am for a mat class with a 72 year old powerhouse of a woman who is one of two people in the entire world to be CERTIFIED BY JOSEPH PILATES PERSONALLY to teach Pilates.

Here is why you need to just say YES. Because you will be so happy you did it. Because what else you gonna do on Saturday morning? Because if you think you know Pilates, why not find out if you are close to the source of it? Because if you don't know Pilates, why not find out from as close as you can get to the source of it?

Because you will look taller and younger and more vibrant and sexier and smarter and all around nicer if you do. I swear.


There you go. You look younger already.

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